April 24, 2024

How to Increase Low Sperm Count: A Comprehensive Guide

It might surprise you to learn that low sperm count affects roughly 1 in 20 men - so if you’re looking for information on this topic you are not alone. The challenge of low sperm count is daunting to many couples. Let’s take an in-depth look at the causes of low sperm count and its impact on fertility,  and explore practical tips and expert insights to help you understand and manage this condition.

Understanding Low Sperm Count

Low sperm count, also known as  oligospermia, occurs when the sperm concentration falls below 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. This condition can significantly impact the likelihood of conception. Factors influencing sperm count include lifestyle habits, environmental exposures, and certain medical conditions.

Common Causes of Low Sperm Count

Identifying the underlying causes is crucial in addressing this issue. Common factors include:

  • Lifestyle Choices: Smoking, excessive alcohol use, and drug abuse
  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to toxins, chemicals, and overheating of testicles
  • Varicoceles: enlarged veins surrounding the testicles
  • Genetic conditions: affecting sperm production and transport
  • Health and Medical Issues: Hormonal imbalances, infections, and certain chronic conditions

Medical Approaches to Increase Sperm Count

Understanding the root cause of low sperm count is crucial in determining the most effective treatment approach:

  • Hormonal Treatments: Hormonal imbalances can sometimes be corrected with medication, leading to improved sperm production
  • Lifestyle Interventions: Healthier lifestyle choices can positively impact sperm health. This includes diet changes, regular exercise, smoking cessation and moderation of alcohol intake.
  • Surgical Options: Conditions like varicoceles can be surgically corrected to improve sperm count and quality

Lifestyle Adjustments

  • Avoid Hot Baths and Tight Clothing: Heat can adversely affect sperm count, so it’s advisable to avoid hot baths and tight clothing that increase scrotal temperature
  • Practice Safe Sex: Infections can impact sperm count, so protecting yourself against sexually transmitted infections is crucial
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: a healthy diet and regular exercise is important to sperm health
  • Stop Smoking: Quit smoking both nicotine and cannabis products 
  • Limit Alcohol Intake

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

When direct treatments for low sperm count don't lead to conception, ART can offer a viable path to parenthood:

  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): This technique involves fertilising an egg with sperm in a lab setting to create an embryo, then transferring the embryo to the uterus
  • Intracytoplasmic Spermatic Injection (ICSI): Used in conjunction with IVF, ICSI involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg, which can be particularly beneficial in cases of severe male infertility

Navigating Your Options

Dealing with low sperm count can be overwhelming, but numerous treatments and interventions are available. Consulting with a fertility specialist can provide personalized guidance based on your specific situation. From lifestyle modifications to low intervention solutions to advanced reproductive technologies, a fertility doctor can help you understand your options, and make informed decisions about your fertility care.

Book a consultation today 

About Pollin Fertility

Pollin Fertility was founded in 2023 with a mission to develop the most advanced clinical, digital and IVF lab technology to improve the fertility patient experience and treatment outcomes.  

Pollin’s first flagship clinic is located at 2360 Yonge St. in midtown Toronto.

To learn more about the fertility treatments and services offered at Pollin visit www.pollinfertility.com

To book an OHIP covered consultation with one of our fertility specialists or click the link below.

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