Fleet Enema (Sodium Phosphates Enema) Patient Information
July 2, 2024
What is it?
A Fleet enema helps to evacuate the bowels. It is a saline laxative enema, which works by pulling water from the body into the bowel, helping to soften the stool and cause a bowel movement. You can purchase this over the counter.
Why is it helpful?
We need the ovaries to be lying “low”, close to the top of the vagina, for successful egg retrieval. If the bowels are in the way of visualizing the ovaries, egg retrieval becomes much more difficult. In such situations, an enema can help.
Who should take a Fleet enema?
There are 3 situations which suggest the use of a Fleet enema the night before retrieval:
- If you are constipated, take the Fleet enema.
- If you have known or suspected adhesions (internal scars), take the Fleet enema. This group includes women with endometriosis, blocked tubes, or significant abdominal surgery.
- If, during monitoring, the u/s technicians needed to press down on your stomach to see one of both ovaries, then your ovaries may tend to drift higher than we like, and you should take the Fleet enema.
We supply Fleet enema information to every patient, but most women will not need to take one unless advised by the nurse.
The Fleet enema is taken the evening before egg retrieval.
Please contact your IVF nurse for further direction if needed.