Egg Retrieval Instructions at Pollin - Toronto
April 16, 2024
Before Procedure Day:
- Your nurse will call you to tell you your ovulation trigger time and your appointment date and time for egg retrieval.
- Remember not to eat or drink anything after midnight before your scheduled procedure.
- Plan to arrive at least 60 minutes early on the day of your procedure.
On Procedure Day:
- Our facility is scent-free. Avoid using scented perfumes, deodorants, or lotions.
- Please remove your nail polish and remove artificial nails on Procedure Day.
- Wear comfortable clothing and bring a pair of socks for your comfort.
- Please refrain from wearing makeup and remove all jewelry and contact lenses.
- Make sure to have someone accompany you on the day of the procedure, as you won't be able to drive for 24 hours afterward.
- It's recommended to take the day off from work to rest and recover fully.
During Procedure:
- Upon arrival in the IVF waiting room, a nurse from Pollin Toronto will greet you and guide you to the admission/recovery area.
- You'll be provided with a gown to change into, and lockers will be available for your belongings.
- Before the procedure begins, the nurse will check your vital signs, confirm your identity and medical history, and inquire about any drug or food allergies.
- Prior to receiving the intravenous (IV), you'll be given an Ativan to help relax you.
- The IV will be used to administer necessary medications and fluids throughout the procedure.
- Gravol and an antibiotic used to prevent infection will be administered through the IV to prevent discomfort and nausea.
- Before the procedure starts, you'll be assisted to the washroom to empty your bladder.
During Egg Retrieval:
- Conscious sedation medication (Versed and Fentanyl) will be given for comfort. There will be a sedation nurse at your side to monitor your comfort level and ensure safe and effective sedation is given.
- While the medication takes effect, the doctor will insert a speculum into the vagina, clean the cervix and vagina, and administer a local anesthetic.
- An ultrasound probe with a needle guide attachment will be inserted into the vagina to identify and aspirate follicles.
- Follicular fluid containing eggs will be collected in test tubes for evaluation by the embryologist.
- The procedure concludes when all follicles have been aspirated and checked for bleeding.
After Procedure:
- You'll be assisted back to the recovery room, where your vital signs will be monitored until you're ready to be discharged.
- The IV will be removed once you're assessed and ready to go home.
- Before leaving, you'll be assisted to the washroom to void and check for bleeding.
- It's important not to try to get up on your own; wait for assistance from the nurse or your companion.
- Before leaving, a Pollin Toronto Nurse will provide you with at-home instructions and advise you to rest for the remainder of the day.
Post-Procedure Care:
- It's common to experience spotting and/or cramping after the procedure.
- Follow the post-operative instructions provided by your Pollin Toronto Nurse.
- If you have any medical concerns or questions about medication, contact your IVF nurse at Pollin.
- The embryologist will contact you the next day with the outcomes of the procedure.
- You'll be informed about the number of eggs retrieved or fertilized, depending on your treatment plan.
- Remember, you must be accompanied by a responsible adult on the day of the procedure, and refrain from driving for 24 hours afterward.
If you have any concerns or allergies to medications listed, please notify your nurse immediately for appropriate care.